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What happens during an urban hike?

We prepare our itineraries very carefully to give you the best experience, making the hikes as pleasant and engaging as possible.


During the  hike you will take in the urban landscape (Paris!), where the architecture of buidings, parks and gardens and the atmosphere of the different neighbourhoods play an important role.

Hiking comes first!  If some information is given along the way, the stops are short! Especially since we can all walk and talk at the same time (sure you can!) . You can count on the hikes always fostering lively conversation.


Will I find the hike too difficult, too easy?

Is it suitable for children?

Great question!

It really depends. Paris is mostly flat and we usually walk faster than during a family Sunday (after lunch) stroll, and slower than during  a nordic walk (the one with the poles).

Can I come with children?

 We trust you to know whether or not your children can walk as fact as adults and for two to three hours.

 You can of course  carry toddlers and pushchairs are quite manageable in Paris.  

Enveloppe étoiles Éclatement

Your question is not on the lisr?




Why our hikes are so great!

To create the itineraries, we take the time to explore each and every road, street, back street, passegeway, yes, every single one of them so as to choose which are really worth your while!

The hikes are thought to stimulate your senses, surprise you and make you feel happy!

We assure you that by the end of the hike you will feel great and have lived a unique experience.


A few numbers about our hikes

How many miles?

On average...

7,5 miles in


Do we take a break? Yes!

20-30 minutes  stop at mid-hike

How many people in a group?  

 5-10 people on Saturdays

7-15 people on Sundays

Let's go!

What to wear and what to bring for an urban hike?

Wear good and comfortable shoes:  the pavement is a hard surface, shoes that absorb shock

A bottle of water and a little snack.

Dress according to the weather report! We usually have mild weather in Paris... however there have been cases of extreme conditions and  comes hail or snow, wind, rain, heat wave... the hike will happen!

Let's go!
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