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Camille creator of urban trails


Camille Martin is a former high school teacher, a dedicated aïkido practitioner,a yoga enthusiast  and a passionate hiker, in both urban and rural environments alike. A curious and open spirit, strongly influnced by  her multicultural background (of Kenyan, French and Indian descent) and by her many travels  around the globe, Camille is by nature someone who happily crosses frontiers or enjoys switching from one culture to another.

Camille finds the excitement of travel in trying out new  food,  hearing different languages, experienceing the weather (wathever it may be) and trying to follow the local flow. In 2014 she starts Walk In, the Paris urban hiking group, help  Parisians rediscover the joys of exploring their city like exploring a foreign place, and give visitor a unique and singular to Paris. She brings hikers to experience in the city  that sense of discovery and adventure  found when walking in remote paces, and she loves sharing her reading  of Paris.

More than 20 years a Parisian, she  feels the  city has more to offer than what postcards can show. Paris and  each of its  neighbourhoods have many facets,  in turn trendy, annoying, vibrant, dense, quiet,  charming and  overall.... breathtaking.

So are ready to...

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